Data SGP refers to aggregated student performance data collected over time by teachers and administrators that is used to inform classroom practices, assess schools/districts and facilitate research initiatives. “Data sgp” refers to individual-level measures like test scores or growth percentiles as well as district level measurements like class size, attendance rates or graduation rates – ultimately helping educators to gain insight into student learning processes.
Growth percentiles provide educators with a measure to evaluate a student’s test score change between years relative to other students with similar prior achievement (their academic peers). This allows educators to quickly identify struggling students in need of additional assistance while giving high achieving students something tangible to aim towards. Furthermore, growth percentiles help educators track student progress over time and allow for more accurate forecasting of future performance.
Growth percentiles are calculated based on each student’s assessment scores in each content area in a given year, their previous achievement level and current grade level. Teachers and administrators can use this information to tailor instruction more closely to meeting students’ individual needs.
Teachers wishing to view a student’s growth percentiles and other achievement metrics must visit the BAA secure site and login with their credentials, then select their student identifier from the student dashboard, click “view growth and achievement”, and a growth plot will appear displaying assessment score, previous achievement level, current grade level and growth percentile values.
The sgpData_INSTRUCTOR lookup table provides the instructor identifier associated with each test record in an SGP study, for use when creating teacher aggregates with summarizeSGP or running studentGrowthPercentiles or studentGrowthProjections functions.
Higher level SGP analyses require data in LONG format. We strongly suggest you set your data up this way; using long format makes managing updates and operating higher level SGP functions much simpler and streamlined. See the SGP package vignette for more detailed documentation on setting up your data; any problems when performing these analyses usually relate back to data preparation issues – once these issues have been dealt with, running operational analyses should become straightforward.