Data sgp is a free package available for Windows, OSX and Linux computers that enables easy preparation of student assessment data for SGP analyses, along with functions to run analyses and plot the results. Data sgp requires R to run, so prior to beginning SGP analyses we suggest spending some time learning how to use it first.
SGP analyses require longitudinal student assessment data in either WIDE or LONG formats, the former consisting of spreadsheet files containing each row representing an assessment score over five years; its first column represents their unique identifier while subsequent columns (SS_2013, SS_2014, SS_2015, SS_2016 and SS_2017) contain assessment scores for those years. To assist your analysis efforts the SGP package offers a spreadsheet file (sgpData) which contains sample WIDE and LONG formats to get you started quickly.
As much of the functionality of the SGP package is designed around using long data formats, we advise using this form for analysis. It is easier to manage and lower level functions that perform calculations such as studentGrowthPercentiles and studentGrowthProjections require it. Furthermore, wrappers designed specifically to make SGP analyses simpler to use require that long data formats are employed for use.
If you are unfamiliar with LONG data formats, there is an online tool called sgpDataLong that makes uploading data and creating files suitable for SGP analysis much simpler. Simply follow this link below!
SGP package also contains several functions for performing and plotting SGP analyses. This can be accomplished using the function sgpAnalysis on an individual student or collectively by selecting multiple students – this function gives educators a quick snapshot of how students are progressing over time.
The Data SGP is an invaluable resource for teachers and parents looking to enhance the outcomes of their students, but there can be numerous factors which affect a child’s academic performance that are outside its scope. Some factors beyond schools’ control affect student development; however, there are things educators can do to support their students’ growth and development. Parent involvement was identified as one of the key contributors, according to research. By encouraging parents to become involved, educators can assist their students in reaching their full potential and building strong study habits that set them up for future success. Through taking these simple steps, schools can ensure every child has equal access to learning and success.